
Stripe is well known by its great SDKs and developer friendly ecosystem, but sometimes you need to have more flexible integration that can take a lot of time to implement, maintain, and test


Before setting up your Stripe connector, please make sure you have access to Stripe Developer Dashboard.

Obtaining Stripe Secret API Key

  1. Go to stripe Stripe Developer Dashboard and obtain your API key
  2. Look for Standard keys. You need to get Secret key and reveal it (Revealing secret key is possible only in test mode). Stripe Dashboard Picture
  3. Copy the Secret API Key and store it securely.

Note: Treat your API key like a password. Do not share it publicly or with unauthorized users.

Create new Stripe Connector

  1. Go to DataBrew Cloud

  2. Go to new connector page and select Stripe connector

    Create new connector Create new Stripe connector
  3. Configure Stripe Connector by providing API key and name

  4. Connected accounts section can be omitted at this moment

  5. Click Check connection button. DataBrew will validate provided API key and respond with a list of data sets available for streaming

  6. Select desired datasets and click create

Using Stripe Connect

In case you need to stream data for more than only one your account - you must provide a list of accounts yours root account has connected using Stripe Connect

This list is a simple slice of string provided during the connector setup.

List of account you want to stream data for can be provided during the connector configuration and via our API later, even when the stream is active. Data for new accounts will be added to the stream on fly.