
This document provides a detailed guide on setting up the WebSocket target connector for the DataBrew project. The WebSocket connector allows for real-time streaming of processed data, ensuring that your data pipeline’s output is seamlessly integrated and instantly available to WebSocket clients.

WebSocket Connector is curretly avaialble as a destination connector. It means you will not be able to stream your data from WebSocket


Before setting up the WebSocket target connector, ensure you meet the following requirements:

  • Access to a WebSocket server or service where data will be streamed.
  • Necessary permissions and access controls to send data through the WebSocket connection.
  • Understanding of WebSocket protocols and data formatting requirements.

Preparing Your WebSocket Environment

To ensure smooth integration:

  • WebSocket Server Configuration: Ensure that your WebSocket server is properly configured to accept connections and handle incoming data streams.
  • Client Access Control: Verify that clients intended to receive the data have the necessary access and are properly authenticated, if required.

Cloud Setup

This section guides you through setting up the WebSocket target connector in the cloud for the DataBrew project.

Setting up in Cloud

  1. Access DataBrew Cloud Platform: Navigate to DataBrew Cloud App.
  2. Create a New Target Connector Instance: Follow these steps…
    • Step 1: Choose ‘WebSocket’ from the list of available target connectors.
    • Step 2: Provide the necessary connection details, including the WebSocket server URL and any required headers or authentication details.
    • Step 3: Configure the message formatting and streaming settings as required.
    • (Include screenshots or code snippets if necessary)

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